Category «Uncategorized»

Book Review: My Grandmother’s Hands

By Resmaa Menakem.Subtitle: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Bodies and HeartsRating: 5 stars! This is a wonderful book. It gave me a rich new way to understand and think about how racism operates, in the world and also in my own body. Menakem is a Black author, and a trauma therapist; but he …

Sugar-free Dark Chocolate

Following up on my recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bites – here’s a simpler (but a bit more finicky) recipe I use to make my own sugar-free dark chocolate. I love dark chocolate, but generally speaking, if it says “70% cacao” on the package, it means it’s got 30% sugar, and I try …

Contribution and Consumption

Part 1: The Consumer I’m thinking about contribution and consumption this morning. Sometimes it seems to me that most of what I do is consume. I’m not just talking about TV and electronic toys, though I do indulge in those sorts of things. There’s food, of course, and I pay a lot of attention to …

How to Not be a Vegan

On a recent podcast, Ezra Klein was asked his opinion about how much of a difference individual decisions about consumption make. His response was for us to think less about our personal consumption, and more about how we’re a carrier for ideas that change the way society consumes. He gave the example of being vegan: …

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Protein Bites

As seen elsewhere on this blog, I’m very concerned with healthy living and longevity. As part of that, I tend towards a highly ketogenic diet. I used to love chocolate chip cookies, and chocolate chip cookie dough, but now I never eat wheat and very rarely eat sugar. This recipe is one I developed to …

Book Review: The Road to Joy

The Road to Joy: Eight Pathways of Psychospiritual Transformation by Kevin P. McClone My rating: 3 of 5 stars Much of “The Road to Joy” is amazing. Many individual lines shine; I think I reached a new personal high in highlighting thoughts for later. The author draws upon a breadth of perspective, rooted in his …

A little bit of doubt

I’ve decided to be less certain about things. I’ve been thinking a lot about how we determine what is true over the last few years. Naturally, most of this thinking has been directed toward people I disagree with. (How do they determine what is true?) There are all these competing narratives, and it’s possible for …

Book: Shortest Way Home

Shortest Way Home: One Mayor’s Challenge and a Model for America’s Future by Pete Buttigieg My rating: 5/5 Loved it. Tells a good & inspirational story. I was fascinated by his choices and growth through life, from being a superstar academic to his choice to switch from corporate work over to politics, to his commitment …